Real estate exec, Erika, travels to Alaska during Christmastime to acquire a bed and breakfast, only to discover that it’s owned by her ex. While there, she finds herself falling in love with the town and quite possibly him.
تسافر شركة اريكا العقارية إلى ألاسكا خلال عيد الميلاد للحصول على مبيت وإفطار ، فقط لتكتشف أنها مملوكة لزوجها السابق. أثناء وجودها ه�...
Erika, dirigente immobiliare, si reca in Alaska durante le vacanze per acquistare un bed and breakfast e scopre che è di proprietà del suo ex. Presto si innamora della città... e forse di nuovo di lui?