Mario consigns his girlfriend Licia to a whorehouse for an evening in order to get the photographic goods to blackmail her father with. To get her out of the way, Licia is then consigned to a mental hospital by her father.
Licia, fille d’un riche industrielle est devenue la maîtresse de Mario, un petit voyou qui se sert d’elle pour faire des photos compromettantes dans un bordel, cela afin d’exercer un chantage sur son riche papa, au moyen des fameux d...
Una giovane ereditiera viene internata in manicomio perché sorpresa in un bordello insieme al suo fidanzato, il quale peraltro aveva organizzato la cosa al fine di ricattare il ricco padre della ragazza. Dopo essere stata rilasciata, darà...
“ทุกคนต้องตาย…แต่พ่อต้องถอยห่าง!” หญิงสาวถูกขังในโรงพยาบาลจิตเวชหลังจากถูกจับได้ใ�...