갈색 눈동자를 가진 평범한 학생 이경. 여름의 햇살을 닮은 고교 축구선수 수이. 열여덟 살의 여름, 예기치 못한 사랑에 빠진 이경과 수이는 함께하는 미래를 그리며 스무살을 맞이�...
Life in the countryside is quiet and mundane for bookish Yi-gyeong until an errant ball sends star athlete Su-yi crashing into her life. The connection between the two girls is instantaneous, and simmers until their mutual attraction bubble...
Het leven op het platteland is rustig en alledaags voor de leergierige Yi-gyeong, totdat steratleet Su-yi door een dwalende bal haar leven binnendringt. De verbinding tussen de twee meisjes is onmiddellijk en sluimert totdat hun wederzijdse...