All of the time and effort put forth to stage a musical is chronicled here in this bright and funny French outing. The story is set at a shopping mall where people audition for an upcoming show. Afterwards, they are seen going through the g...
Dit is een film over het cinematografische proces, waarin Akerman een musical in maak apart neemt - via video en filmmixen, meerdere takes en onzekerheden achter de schermen. Hierdoor wordt diezelfde musical meerdimensionaal en genietbaar v...
뮤지컬'80년대 갤러리'를 준비하던 아커만은 재정상의 문제로 3년을 기다려서야 완성을 볼 수 있었다. '80년대'는 그 지난한 3년 동안을 기록한'80년대 갤러리'의 제작 과정에 관한 다�...
Les coulisses de la préparation de la future comédie musicale « Golden Eighties ». On assiste au casting des acteurs, à la préparations de séquences, à la répétition de certaines scènes.