Den albernen Vornamen verdankt Apple ihrer Mutter Ingrid. Nie mehr will sie so chaotisch leben wie damals in ihrer Kindheit. In Spanien, in dem Zelt am Hippie-Strand von Torremolinos, 1967, als Apples Mutter eine wilde Affäre mit Karl hatt...
After a series of catastrophically failed marriages, Apple is single again. Blame on Apple's attachment is in her opinion, her mother Ingrid. Because this Apple has punished not only with her hippie name, but was in every way a raven mother...
연애 한번 제대로 못해보고 유일한 친구인 반려견과 함께 살고 있는 ‘애플’. 가족보다는 자신만 생각하고 즐기며 사는 철없는 엄마는 ‘애플’에게 질투와 원망의 대상이다. 스�...
1967年在西班牙的一处海滩上, Apple的妈妈英格丽疯狂地爱上了卡尔。30年后的今天,Apple的爱情生活是一团糟,她唯一的朋友是她的狗。自由自在的英格丽参加旅游团又回到了这片海滩...