Ydessa Hendeles' exhibition entitled "The living and the Artificial" (consisting of works of art all comprising a photograph of living persons in the company of one or several teddy bears) had puzzled Agnès Varda so much that she decided t...
Découvrir dans deux immenses pièces des centaines de photographies anciennes et découvrir que dans chaque image, on voit aussi un nounours en peluche. Pourquoi et comment une certaine Ydessa, canadienne, née de parents juifs allemands, ...
Intrigada pela exposição The Living and the Artificial da artista Ydessa Hendeles, Agnès Varda decidiu ir até Toronto para entrevistá-la. Ydessa conta tudo sobre a singularidade de sua abordagem artística e discute o Holocausto, a que...