Inspired by the alarming increase in real-life tragedies involving high school bullying and suicide, Teens Like Phil tells the story of a gay teen, Phil, and his former friend, Adam, who brutally bullies him.
菲尔(Adam Donovan 饰)是一个在富人社区长大的男孩,虽然衣食无忧,但因为性取向时常感到痛苦和缺少安全感。他就读的私人高中风气保守,充满了自我感觉良好的傲慢青少年,其�...
Короткометражка расскажет о тяжелом периоде самоопределения двух подростков: Фила и Адама. И если первый больше анализирует и пыт�...