A homeless man begins a killing spree on the streets of New York City. Completely deranged and barely aware of his own identity, he makes little attempt at concealing his actions. But in a city with 50,000 homeless citizens, our killer find...
Нежданно-негаданно бомж начинает смертельную веселуху на улицах Нью-Йорка. Полностью невменяемый, едва способный к самоидентифик�...
5만 명 이상의 노숙자가 살고 있는 뉴욕의 거리에서 한 미치광이 킬러의 1년에 걸린 이유 없는 살인극.
Un sans-abri atteint de trouble mentaux enchaîne une série de meurtres dans les rues de New York.