This documentary charts the complexity and genius of the NBA's all-time leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's legendary career, both on and off the court. Spotlighting a six-time MVP and six-time world champion, the film examines his controv...
Documentário que mostra a influente carreira do astro americano do basquete Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: uma lenda dentro e
fora das quadras.
Ovaj dokumentarac prikazuje složenost i genijalnost legendarne karijere najboljeg strijelca svih vremena NBA lige Kareema Abdul-Jabbara, na terenu i izvan njega. Ističući šesterostrukog MVP-ja i šesterostrukog svjetskog prvaka, film is...
สารคดีเรื่องนี้แสดงถึงอาชีพในตำนานของ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ผู้ทำประตูสูงสุดของ NBA ทั้งในและนอกสนา�...
Този документален филм представя сложността и гениалността на легендарната кариера на най-добрия реализатор в НБА за всички време...