On the way to visit Shun, who didn't attend class, Hiroshi and Anna are drawn by a mysterious butterfly and enter the big house “Jail House”. They get lost and wander around the house. Meanwhile, Takuro, Mika and Takeshi, who bullies Sh...
某座平凡的高中,喜欢开发游戏软件的转学生小俊(タモト清嵐 饰)饱受卓郎(松岛庄汰 饰)和小武(劝修寺玲旺 饰)的欺负,最终拒绝登校。这一天,班长杏奈(平祐奈 饰)约�...
Alguns amigos entram em uma mansão que há rumores de ter monstros lá dentro e o que eles encontram mudará suas vidas para sempre...