Es una película hecha por Video Brinquedo. Es un mockbuster similar a Monstruos Contra Aliens.
When one of their experiments goes wrong, two wacky scientists (who are also incredible monster hunters) are forced to put their monster hunting skills to the test. Together with two fearless kids, they want to save the world from a bunch o...
Twee knotsgekke wetenschappers lijken het nooit bij het rechte eind te hebben, maar op de één of andere manier lukt het ze hun reputatie van zeer kundige en speciale monsterjagers hoog te houden. Op een dag wordt hun reputatie getest, waa...
Dois cientistas excêntricos nunca fazem nada bem, mas conseguem manter a reputação de serem formidáveis caçadores de monstros. Certo dia, quando uma das suas experiência corre mal e são obrigados a testar a sua reputação, pedem aju...