Daigo Asahina is Medaka Gumi #2's/Me Gumi's new rookie firefighter, and already he's done crazy things, like throwing people off of a rooftop to save them from an explosion. He had good intentions, but his deeds are starting to hurt the com...
自幼向往成为消防员的青年朝比奈大吾(高木涉 配音),经过层层严苛的选拔终于成为千国市消防局的一名战士。在某商场火灾中,大吾不顾上级指示,将受困者从半空扔到安全气�...
원작의 토조 마트 화재 폭발사고와 시민회권 홀 화재사건의 에피소드를 극장판으로 구성한 애니메이션.