Chay is a happy-go-lucky guy living in Spain with his relatives. A mistaken identity at the airport results in him reaching out to Meera, with whom he falls in love at first site. So far, so good. All hell breaks loose for Chay when he ...
Mister é uma história sobre o poder do primeiro amor e vínculo familiar. Em uma pequena aldeia nos estados de Telugu, um homem idoso Pichaya naidu, é o venerado chefe da aldeia e comanda um imenso respeito pelos aldeões.
มิสเตอร์คือเรื่องราวอำนาจของรักแรกพบและสายใยครอบครัว ในหมู่บ้านเล็ก ๆ ในรัฐเตลูกู �...