One of the greatest playwrights of the 20th century, Arthur Miller created such celebrated works as Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, which continue to move audiences around the world today. He also made headlines for being targeted by ...
Kızı Rebecca'nın derledikleri görüntülerden, zamanımızın en önemli oyun yazarlarından, Pulitzer ödüllü Arthur Miller...
A cineasta Rebecca Miller apresenta um retrato de seu pai, o dramaturgo americano Arthur Miller.
La película de Rebecca Miller es un retrato de su padre, su época y sus observaciones, construido alrededor de entrevistas improvisadas grabadas en el hogar familiar durante años.
Filmul regizat de Rebecca Miller este un portret al tatălui ei construit în jurul unor interviuri spontane filmate de-a lungul anilor în casa familiei.
Один из величайших драматургов 20-го века Артур Миллер создал такие знаменитые произведения, как «Смерть коммивояжёра» и «Горнило»...
สารคดีเรื่องนี้นำเสนอชีวิตและตัวบุคคลของอาเธอร์ มิลเลอร์ ผ่านเลนส์กล้องของลูกสาวข�...