On the 25th of June 1983, the Lord’s Cricket Ground witnessed one of the biggest underdog stories in the history of sports. Fourteen inspired players - led by a man's self-belief and conviction - fought against all odds and orchestrated I...
Relata la historia de la increíble victoria de India en el Mundial de cricket de 1983.
הסיפור האמיתי מאחורי זכייתה של הודו בגביע העולם בקריקט בשנת 1983 באנגליה. הודו הגיעה לטורניר בתור ה"אנדרדוג", אחרי שמעולם לא ניצחה במש�...
Le 25 juin 1983, le Lord's Cricket Ground a vu quatorze hommes battre les deux fois champions du monde des Antilles, remettant l'Inde sur la scène mondiale du cricket.
Il 25 giugno 1983, il Lord's Cricket Ground ha assistito a una vittoria di quattordici uomini contro i due volte campioni del mondo delle Indie Occidentali, riportando l'India sul palcoscenico mondiale del cricket.
O 25 de junho de 1983, Lord's Cricket Ground testemunhou uma vitória de 14 homens contra os bicampeões mundiais das Índias Ocidentais, colocando a Índia de volta ao palco mundial do críquete.
แม้ต้องเผชิญความเคลือบแคลงและการดูถูก คาปิล เดฟ กัปตันใจสู้พาทีมคริกเกตรองบ่อนของอ...
25 Haziran 1983'te Lord's Cricket Ground, spor tarihinin en büyük mazlum hikayelerinden birine tanık oldu. Bir adamın kendine inancı ve inancıyla yönetilen on dört ilham verici oyuncu, her şeye karşı savaştı ve iki kez Dünya �...