Hyun-jung, who moved to a local mansion, was delighted with unexpected luck. She hated the noise between the floors so she wanted a quiet place with soundproofing. Since the tenants were mostly working couples, the mansion is quiet like a h...
지방의 한 맨션으로 이사를 오게 된 현정은 뜻밖의 행운에 쾌재를 부르고 있었다. 층간 소음문제로 한바탕 홍역을 치렀던 탓에, 방음시설이 재대로 되어있는 조용한 집을 소망했던 �...
နယ်ဘက်က အိမ်ယာတစ်ခုစီ ပြောင်းရွှေ့လာသော ဇနီးမောင်နှံတစ်တွဲဟာအိမ်အသစ်က တိတ်ဆိတ်ပြီး �...