Ismail Merchant's feature directorial debut addresses a subject close to his heart: the expressive Urdu language of Northern India, in danger of extinction as political trends and modernization obscure its contributions to Indian culture. M...
데벤(Deven)은 대학에서 힌디 문학을 가르치고 있다. 하지만 그가 진짜 관심을 갖고 있는 것은 우르두어다. 데벤은 잡지사 편집장의 부탁으로 우르두어 시의 살아있는 전설이라 할 수 ...
Ismail Merchants speelfilmdebuut richt zich op een onderwerp dat hem nauw aan het hart ligt: de expressieve Urdu-taal van Noord-India, die met uitsterven wordt bedreigd omdat politieke trends en modernisering de bijdrage ervan aan de ...