It's Easter in the beach house of a Chilean well-to-do and nowadays family. A self-centered and successful father, a disoriented mother and a son overshadowed by his successful father. The three of them, wait for the arrival of the son's fi...
It's Easter in the beach house of a Chilean well-to-do and nowadays family. A self-centered and successful father, a disoriented mother and a son overshadowed by his successful father. The three of them, wait for the arrival of the son's fi...
Relato sobre la vida de José y María a partir de los Evangelios Apócrifos. A pesar de la diferencia de edad, condición social y procedencia se enamoran, pero tendrán que afrontar y superar pruebas muy difíciles, especialmente José, q...
La storia si svolge nella villa al mare di una famiglia di architetti durante le vacanze di
Pasqua. Marco è uno studente di architettura che ha un rapporto competitivo e disturbato
con il padre che Soledad, sua madre, cerca sempre di pac...
Une famille chilienne se réunit pendant la Semaine Sainte. Le fils, jeune architecte inspiré par Gaudi, présente à ses parents sa petite amie, comédienne habitée par son rôle d'Ophélie. Tel un ange perturbateur, la jeune fille va ...