A woman sits alone on a chair at a table in a room on one of the top floors of an asylum. Bright spot lights dot the night, sometimes shining on her window. She sharpens pencils and writes on a page in a copy book. The pencil point often br...
아방가르드 작곡가 칼하인츠 슈톡하우젠이 영화 사운드트랙을 담당했다. 흑백에 컬러가 부분적으로 구현된 영화는 시네마스코프용으로 제작되었다. 실사와 애니메이션을 결합하고...
Trabajo experimental que combina la imagen real con la animación, unión de los hermanos Quay y Karlheinz Stockhausen, rodada en color y blanco y negro.
Experimenteel werk dat echt beeld combineert met animatie, een vereniging van de broers Quay en Karlheinz Stockhausen, gefilmd in kleur en zwart-wit.