Following the final events of General's Son 2, Kim Du-han is forced to go on the lam but eventually returns to Jongro where he attempts to rebuild his gang with the brothers that are still alive and loyal and defeat Hayashi's Yakuzas once a...
배경은 일제시대. 종로통을 장악했던 두한은 몸을 피해 종로를 떠나 원산으로 향한다. 그 곳에서 두한은 장은실이라는 가수를 알게 된다. 빚 때문에 매인 몸인 장은실을 위해 시라�...
由于袭击“东洋贸易”,挫败日本黑社会林组的锐气。金斗汉(朴相民 饰)一跃成为家喻户晓的人物,更被人们奉为朝鲜黑道上的民族英雄。
Na de laatste gebeurtenissen van General's Son 2 wordt Kim Du-han gedwongen om op de vlucht te slaan, maar keert uiteindelijk terug naar Jongro waar hij probeert zijn bende weer op te bouwen met de broers die nog in leven en loyaal zijn en ...