“Mobile Suit Gundam” series are still favored by various generations, passed its 35th anniversary. The animators who played the core roles in the memorable first series “Mobile Suit Gundam” are Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Ichiro Itano: �...
这次由 Khara 工作室的庵野秀明负责构成与编辑的影片,是将「机动战士高达」的本篇动画搭配安彦良和、板野一郎所经手的原画来作剪辑;他们两位在 TV 版动画「机动战士高达」当�...
De serie 'Mobile Suit Gundam' is nog steeds favoriet bij verschillende generaties en is 35 jaar oud. De animatoren die de kernrollen speelden in de gedenkwaardige eerste serie 'Mobile Suit Gundam' zijn Yoshikazu Yasuhiko en Ichiro Itano: 'W...