Gopi, is the son of an ex-RAW agent Raghuveer. Brought up by his uncle Sathya, he wants to be an agent just like his father and uncle. But Satya wants him to lead a normal life and not be killed like his father was. What happens in Gopi’s...
In de jaren 90 is door een terroristische aanval geheime informatie op straat belandt, waarna de betreffende inlichtingendienst is opgeheven. De Indische overheid besluit de dienst weer te activeren na een nieuwe aanval. Arjun Kumar is éé...
年轻的印度国安局特工阿金·库玛,被栽赃谋杀了他的上司, 让他意识到,现在他的任务比预想的更黑暗。为了自证清白,他必须在印度情报局、印度外情局、印度中央调查局和几大...
หลังจากได้รับการฝึกจากโครงการลับ อาร์จัน สายลับหนุ่มถูกใส่ร้ายว่าฆ่าเจ้านายของตัว�...
Um jovem agente da NSA é acusado do assassinato de seus chefes, fazendo-o perceber que agora sua missão é mais sombria do que o esperado e tem algumas contas pessoais a acertar em relação à morte de seu pai, um ex-agente da NSA.