Two years into a marriage with the heir of a wealthy family, Ayumi is already feeling distant from her husband. The reason is her coercion into nightly perverted activities by the sadistic inclinations of her sadistic husband. In addition, ...
Ο διεστραμμένος Yukinari προσπαθεί να εκμεταλλευτεί σεξουαλικά με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο τη γυναίκα του, Ayumi.
Την παρενοχλεί στο τρένο ως εφ...
Dois anos depois de um casamento com o herdeiro de uma família rica, Ayumi já se sente distante do marido. O motivo disso é sua coerção em atividades noturnas pervertidas pelas inclinações sádicas de seu marido sádico. Além diss...
Twee jaar na een huwelijk met de erfgenaam van een rijke familie, voelt Ayumi zich al ver verwijderd van haar man. De reden is haar dwang tot nachtelijke perverse activiteiten door de sadistische neigingen van haar sadistische echtgenoot. B...