A Girl and A Guy is a modern tale of young adults navigating the tricky world of relationships, connection, and intimacy in today’s society. The film tells the story of a girl, the story of a guy, and the story of a girl and a guy.
각자 오랜 연인과 헤어진 뒤 서로 다른 방식으로 이별에 대처하는 두 청춘. 한편 전 세계를 휩쓴 팬데믹은 현대인들의 데이트에도 커다란 여파를 미친다.
หนึ่งหนุ่มกับหนึ่งสาวขอเลือกวิธีดามหัวใจหลังอกหักคนละแบบ แต่แล้วเหตุวิกฤตที่เกิด�...